Event area layout
Route course
Departure (1/4 Square) => turn right onto Tran Hung Dao => turn left onto Hung Vuong (return lane to the airport) => Hung Vuong bridge => Hung Vuong – Phuoc Tan – Bai Nga (lane 2) => turn around before intersection 4 Tran Phu (Dong Hoa) (from lane 2 to lane 1) => Phuoc Tan – Bai Nga (lane 1) => turn left onto National Road 29 => turn right onto Thang Long Street => Turn right onto Vo Thi Sau => turn left onto Hung Vuong (lane 1) => turn left onto the railway overpass, turn right onto Nguyen Tat Thanh => Chua river bridge => turn right from Chua river bridge onto Bach Dang street (under the railway bridge) => turn left onto Hung Vuong (around the roundabout) => turn right onto An Duong Vuong => turn right onto Doc Doc street (sea side, opposite direction of traffic) => Destination (square school 1/4)
Route course
Departure (1/4 Square) => turn right onto Tran Hung Dao => turn left onto Hung Vuong (coming lane to the airport) => Hung Vuong bridge => Hung Vuong (lane 2) turn around before the intersection Hung Vuong – Tran Khanh Du (from lane 2 to lane 1) => turn left onto Nguyen Van Linh railway overpass => onto the railway overpass branch, turn right onto Nguyen Tat Thanh => Chua river bridge => turn right From Chua River Bridge to Bach Dang Street (under the railway bridge) => turn left onto Nguyen Trai Street => turn right onto Tran Phu (Tuy Hoa) => turn left onto Hung Vuong (around the roundabout) => turn Right onto An Duong Vuong => turn right onto Doc Lap street (seaside, opposite direction of traffic) => Destination (1/4 square)
Route course
Departure (1/4 Square) => turn right onto Tran Hung Dao => turn right onto Hung Vuong => turn right onto Ly Tu Trong => turn right onto Ba Trieu => turn right onto Tran Phu => turn right Go to Hung Vuong => turn right to An Duong Vuong => turn right to Doc Lap street (seaside, opposite direction of traffic) => Destination (1/4 square)
Route course
Departure (1/4 Square) => turn right onto Tran Hung Dao => turn right onto Hung Vuong => turn right onto Ly Tu Trong => turn left onto Doc Lap Street => turn around on Doc Lap Street (towards sea, opposite direction of traffic) => Destination (square 1/4)